
Dumpling Rice

Serves 3-4

Equipment: rice cooker


½ Bag of frozen gyoza dumplings (usually 24 oz bag)

2 cups of rinsed rice

1 tablespoon of gochujang

1 tablespoon of miso paste

1 tablespoon of soy sauce

2 tablespoons of Sesame oil, split

½ bag of frozen veggies

Optional other ingredients: leafy greens, kimchi, (I really like baby bok choy in mine), and any other veg that sounds good.


  1. Add rinsed rice to rice cooker with appropriate water ratio.
  2. In a separate bowl or jar, Add the soy sauce, miso, gochujang, 1 tablespoon of the Sesame oil, and mix to combine. If needed, add a tablespoon of water to help the mixing process.
  3. Add sauce mixture to rice cooker
  4. Add veg
  5. Add dumplings on top, then top the dumplings with remaining Sesame oil.
  6. Set the rice cooker to the white rice setting or whatever setting works best, each machine is different so it may take some trial and error.
  7. Serve with Sesame seeds and/or Kimchi on top. (The dumplings I get have their own sauce that comes with, so I also like to add that on top of the dumplings for extra flavor)

Feel free to change things up, add different spices. mushrooms, veg, whatever sounds good!